Life is busy, making it hard to spend time in the Word

We understand how discouraging it can be. Despite our best intentions, it can be difficult to build and maintain Bible study and prayer habits. Often these are put off when life is busy.

Water from Rock is a teaching ministry that delivers encouragement from God’s Word through email, audio, and daily devotional books.

We make it easier to focus our minds and hearts on God.

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Ten-minute episodes to encourage you from the Word. Subscribe or listen online.

Devotionals delivered to your inbox every Monday to start your week in the Word.

Our devotional series take you on a daily journey deeper into the Bible.

Rooted in the Word. Ecumenical in Outlook. Experiencing the Living God.


“It has been said that Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread. I thank God every day for the privilege and delight of telling others the Good News of Jesus Christ. My desire is for people who struggle, doubt, fear and question, to experience the joy and peace there is in knowing Christ. I am a fellow traveler hoping for others to join me on the way!”

—Dr. Tim Smith
Ordained Minister, Author, Founder of Water from Rock

Weekly Devotionals

christian podcast

Prayer Walking

How would you like to do something good for your body, soul, and spirit? You can find that something all wrapped up in Prayer Walking,

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Palms Down, Palms Up

Like David, perhaps you have faced some giants in your life, sometimes taking on problems seeming a lot bigger than you. Over the course of

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Learning By Heart

An important anchor for your soul in any difficult time is engaging God’s Word and learning it by heart. God promises that you will be

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Holy Reading

There is a wonderful way of engaging God that is called Holy Reading, or, Lectio Divina. This is a spiritual practice bringing together the power

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Are you feeling always plugged in? Plugged into your smart phone, computer, tablet, text messages, and late breaking news? Do you continually feel on call?

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The Daily God Hunt

When going through hard times and temptation, it is important for you to know that God is with you. Jesus is, after all, Emmanuel, “God-with-us”

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About Our Name

You will bring water from rock for the community
Numbers 20:8

We take our name from the Bible’s story of the Exodus journey during which the people of God came to a place in the desert wilderness where there was no water. Yet, it was there in a hostile wilderness that they experienced God’s provision of water for them and leadership into a new future. We trust in a God who still provides, renews and leads His people.