“You will bring forth water from the rock for the community. Numbers 20:8
Water from Rock! It’s a curious, unlikely image we have chosen for a new ministry, a ministry of renewal. Satisfying, life-giving water bubbling up from dry, desert rock. But consider just a few reminders to us of God’s miraculous mercy to his people in desert places:
- “God made water for them from the rock; He split open the rock and the water gushed out.” Isaiah 48:21
- “God made streams come out of the rock, and caused waters to flow down like rivers.” Psalm 78:16
As the people of God journey through the desert wilderness to the Promised Land they come to a “place of no water.” And what do they do? They do just what we might do when faced with need and trouble – they complain. “Why did You bring us into the desert to die? Why didn’t You leave us in slavery in Egypt?”
And then God does the miraculous – He brings forth water from rock for the people. For there to be a miracle, you must first be facing a need. For there to be divine intervention, you must be in trouble. For there to be renewal there must be loss.
Every difficulty we face – this need, this economy, this thorny situation – becomes redemptive opportunity. Our need is linked to God’s supply. Our weakness to his strength. That is what turns adversity into adventure, an adventure of faith and not of sight.
There has to be pressure, opposition, struggle, or we cannot experience our sufficiency in Christ. The desert wilderness cannot be avoided. The waterless places cannot be gone around. They press us into Christ. They compel us into conscious abiding in our ever faithful God.
Through God our adversity becomes adventure!
Check out our new website in progress: www.www.waterfromrock.org
Grace and Peace,
Tim Smith