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“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Why do you cry out to me?  Tell the Israelites to go forward.’”  Exodus 14:15

Are you feeling caught between a rock and hard place? Or stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea? Does it seem that there is no way out? Then just imagine how Moses and the Israelites must have felt with the deep Red Sea before them and the Egyptian army fast on their heels. They hear the waves of the sea crashing before them and Pharaoh’s chariots coming closer and closer.

And what are Moses and the Israelites doing? They’re doing exactly what you and I would be doing—praying! Of course they’re praying and crying out to God,  “O Lord help us!”

But strangely, the Lord rebukes them:
        Why do you cry out to me?  Go forward.

There comes a time in our lives when after praying and praying for God to make a way for us, that the Spirit of God sort of elbows us and says, “Go forward!” There comes a time when to say any more prayer amounts to unbelief. There comes a time we need to say a quick “Amen,” get up and get on with it. The Spirit is calling us to take the next step in faith. Go forward.

The Bible tells us that the story of Moses and the Children of Israel is also the story of our lives (Romans 15:4-6). And our better natures tell us that the Lord will be there for us just as surely as he was for Moses and the people. Our lives may not be as dramatic as the parting of the waters, but that doesn’t mean that God cares for us any less than he did for them. He will be there for us as we go forward in faith.

Perhaps you’ve been crying out to God to make a way for you in your troubles. Perhaps you’ve been asking him to help you in your business, in your marriage, in your addiction, in your fears.

Might the Spirit of God today be nudging you today with the words:  “Go forward”?  Step out and trust Him.

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5-6).

Grace and Peace,
Tim Smith

Weekly Classes with Tim Smith – Every Wednesday
At the Franciscan Renewal Center (Garces Room of Piper Hall)

Wednesday Noon – 1:00 P.M.
Jesus’ Teaching on the Spiritual Life:  John 13-17
Wednesday Evening 7:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
Four Life Changing Prayers

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