Sunday – A Day of Resurrection
For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he
will stand upon the earth; 26 and after my skin has been thus
destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God, 27 whom I shall see
on my side, and my eyes shall behold, and not another.
Job 19:25-27
The night my father died unexpectedly I made my way home from the hospital, crushed. I didn’t think my pain would ever stop. Not knowing what else to do, I put on a recording of Handel’s Messiah, and listened all the way through from the beginning to its triumphant end. In the middle of that hopeless night I listened over and over to the singing of Job’s words taken from today’s text: “I know that my Redeemer liveth.”
It was poor Job who wrote the book on why bad things happen to good people long before it was ever a bestseller. Job probably lived long before most of the biblical figures with whom we are familiar, but he had a maturing faith in his Redeemer and resurrection life. In Job’s dark night of suffering and confusion he looked at his pain in the light of the resurrection. Job saw his problems in the bright light of our Redeemer who one day will raise our bodies from the dust, and we, then, in our flesh “shall see God.” Job struggled with many unanswered questions, but held to the one thing he did know:“I know that my Redeemer lives.”
The Hebrew word (goel), translated as “Redeemer”, plays a pivotal role in the biblical story. A redeemer was a family member who could defend or provide legal protection for another family member who was unable to defend himself. A redeemer was that family member who could pay the ransom price to bail out and restore the one in trouble.
Job did not have the completed Word of God as we do today, but he knew somehow of our Redeemer, Jesus, who came down to become one with us that he might redeem and restore to us all that we have lost. On this day of resurrection we can rejoice because we “know” that our Redeemer lives and that we “shall see God.”
Soaking in Scripture…
Today’s Andy Moments…