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Lent 2016 Devotional—March 20

Cover of Lent 2015 Devotional Book from Water from RockTHE LORD’S DAY

In addition to corporate worship on Sundays we suggest that you consider the following additional ways of worship during Lent. Feel free to choose one or more of these ways of worship. You might even like to use them throughout the year.


Think about those times when you most feel God’s presence in your life. They might be walks in nature, listening to music, reading Scripture, visiting the sick, talking with a close friend, etc. Since these are times you feel God’s presence, make some time to do those today.


The Bible commands, “Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them; those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured” (Hebrews 13:3). More Christians are being persecuted today for their faith than at any other time in history. Let’s not forget them! An informative and helpful guide to praying for persecuted Christians can be found on the Internet at “Voice of the Martyrs” (click “Prayer Map”).


Place a large poster board on a wall in your home, with Sharpie markers and Post-It Notes close at hand. Throughout the week write on a Post-It-Note a prayer or thank you to God and place it on the poster board. Gather around the poster board each Sunday and lift up your prayers and thank yous to God.


Light a special Sunday Candle for your Sunday meals. The lit candle is a reminder of God’s presence in our troubled world. As you light the candle you might say something like, “We light this candle to remind us that Christ is always present with us”. In the early hours of Easter (Saturday night or early Sunday morning) you can use this candle for a candle-lighting celebration. Light this Sunday Candle In a dark room and use it to light each person’s votive candle. In doing this you celebrate the light of Christ spreading throughout the world. (Children will love this!)


Listen to Handel’s Messiah, especially the “Hallelujah Chorus”, “Worthy is the Lamb”, and the final “Amen”. Handel turned to The Revelation for frequent inspiration and lyrics. If you do not have a CD of Messiah, you can listen free to the complete oratorio by going to YouTube on the Internet and entering “Handel Messiah”.


Every Sunday there are many who are unable to be a part of corporate worship. They are sick, grieving, in care centers, hospitals and prisons. Go and be with them. This is “religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father” (James 1:27).

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