As we reorganize the Water from Rock Website and Facebook, we will not post any new content for a while. 
We pray that the current content will encourage you as you follow Jesus!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God… And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.
John 1:1-2, 14

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go…”
I know, I know, it’s not even Halloween! It’s just that I love thinking about Christmas in late September! Add to that, I am excited to tell you that our 2018 Advent devotional, We Have Seen His Glory!, is now available for to you order online.

These Scripture reflections for Advent, December 2 through Christmas Day, focus on one of the grandest, most beautiful passages of Scripture – John 1:1-18. I believe that taking a little time each day to read, reflect, and pray on these daily reflections will add to your Christmas joy. These opening lines from John’s Gospel reveal the eternal God, the Word, coming from the Father to take us to the Father, so that we might forever share in God’s life and glory. Few passages of Scripture so powerfully set forth the glory of Christ’s coming as this one.

From the earliest days of Christianity this passage has been likened to a pool in which little children can wade, while deep enough for elephants to swim. You find here words simple and profound. They are written for the spiritual beginner as well as the most advanced in the faith. Bible scholar R. Kent Hughes says this passage “is so staggering that the words almost seem to bend under the weight they are made to bear. The opening verses…are an amazingly congealed expression of the greatness of Christ.” Theologian Gary Burge notes, “Here divinity and humanity, preexistence and incarnation, revelation and sacrifice are each discussed by John with deceptive simplicity.” Daily reflecting on these verses will guide us into a deeper appreciation of what Christmas means and it’s lasting relevance in our lives.

So, I am glad in September to give you this heads-up on our devotional so that you have time not only to order a book(s) for yourself, but have time to show it to your small group leader, Sunday school teacher, pastor, or priest. You might even consider forming an Advent study group to work through this devotional together. If you’re like me, the next thing you know it will be Christmas and then New Year’s, as the beautiful and busy holiday season can fly by us. We have printed 7,000 copies of the devotional to make available to people like you, your family, and community of friends.

We hope you will be singing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

Blessed Advent!

P. S. To order copy or copies of We Have Seen His Glory!, click here

If you would like to donate to help underwrite the cost of printing there is a self-addressed envelope included in each book, or visit our Donate page.

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