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Day 7 – Your Kingdom Come

What is it that you are living for? To what do you give your time, interests and talents? I ask because Jesus did command, “Seek first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33). This is putting first things first. So, we are not surprised that early on in The Lord’s Prayer Jesus teaches us to pray “Your kingdom come.” These three words hold earth-shaking, world- changing implications.

The Greek word basileia, translated “kingdom”, has meanings of “reign”, “authority to rule”, “right to rule”, “royal power”, and yes, “kingdom”. We must not think of God’s kingdom, basileia, as a territory or place on the map. God’s kingdom is where God reigns in peoples’ lives, bringing true shalom, the fullness of life.

Jesus starts us praying with “Your kingdom come”, because Jesus began His ministry with the thrilling announcement, “God’s kingdom is here” (Mark 1:15). With Jesus’ coming the kingdom of God has come, as sinners are forgiven, sick people healed, and prodigals welcomed. The greater the pain and brokenness, the nearer comes the kingdom of God. God’s kingdom is “what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy” (Romans 14:17, The Message). God’s kingdom can come to any life, any marriage, family, church, or nation where people say “Yes!” to God’s reign and rule.

As you pray today, where are you seeing the need for God’s kingdom to come and rule? Where are you seeing evil and injustice? Where in your life are you broken and hurt? While we celebrate the reign of God’s kingdom come near, we also pray and look forward to the day when heaven and earth shall be one! Yes, Lord, “Your kingdom come!”


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