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“Daddy!” Isn’t that one of the most precious, the most delightful words in the English language! For most people it is a word that expresses the joy of a little child calling out and a father being called. “Daddy” is one of the earliest primary sounds that a little child learns to sound out and to say: “Da da!” Trusting love and intimacy are all wrapped up in saying “Daddy”. Similarly, the little child Jesus learned in His native Aramaic to sound out and to say “Abba” as our equivalent to “Daddy”. Significantly, Jesus prayed “Abba” in the Garden of Gethsemane to express His intimate relationship to His heavenly Father (Mark 14:36).

It is through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, that believers are adopted into God’s family, made joint heirs with Jesus, giving us privileged access in joining with Jesus to call God, “Abba”. It was for this very purpose that “God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, ‘Abba! Father!’” (Galatians 4:6). Even now, the Holy Spirit is prompting you as a believer to lovingly call out to Him, “Abba!” Praying the one word “Abba” wonderfully affirms our identity as God’s sons and daughters. “Abba” speaks of our confidence in coming to God.

Praying the Abba Prayer helps to focus our emotions, desires, and spiritual realities into one word. By concentrating prayer into one tender “Abba”, we are able to cut through distractions and center on God. Far from being formulaic, the one-word Abba Prayer keeps minds from wandering, drawing us into rest and reliance on our heavenly Father. People appreciate this way of praying for its simplicity and focus on God. Like a kiss of our beloved, each expresses our love and increases our love, so the Abba Prayer expresses and grows our love for God.

The goal of praying the Abba Prayer is not to say many words but to open our hearts and minds to God. Here are some ways that you might pray the Abba Prayer:

1. STILL yourself in God’s presence. Taking a few deep breaths can help quiet noisy thoughts and distraction as you focus full attention on God.

2. SPEAK the word “Abba” silently or aloud, allowing its rich meaning to settle deep within you. Know that it is the Holy Spirit prompting you by this one simple word to express to God your love, desires, needs, and gratitude.

3. REPEAT silently or aloud, praying “Abba” for any length of time you feel led.

4. REFLECT as you pray on the meaning of calling God “Abba” and how it sums up your relationship with God.

5. EXPAND your prayer with any added words or thoughts as you might feel led.

6. THANK “Abba” for His delight in you as His child and for wanting to spend this time with you.

7. TAKE “Abba” as your prayer into the day, staying close to the Father’s heart. You can pray “Abba” standing in the checkout line, sitting in your doctor’s office, or lying awake at two o’clock in the morning.

One word: “Abba!”

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